Folks are up in arms over a controversial new toy called Ghettopoly, the Associated Press reports. Created by a Pennsylvania man and sold in national retailer Urban Outfitters, Ghettopoly is Monopoly for “playas” and “pimps.” In the game, players make decisions based on randomly selected cards they are awarded, just like in Hasbro’s Monopoly. Only in Ghettopoly, cards read something like, “You got yo whole neighborhood addicted to crack. Collect $50.”
A publicist for Men United for a Better Philadelphia, where Urban Outfitters is headquartered, said they felt compelled to do something and therefore filed a civil lawsuit against Women United for a Better Philadelphia for cold-ganking their name. “Everyone was protesting something today,” said Leroy Journals, “so we felt compelled to bitch about something too.” He continues, “That whole Barbershop thing last year with Ice Cube? That was our idea. But we made the mistake of posting about it on an internet hip-hop message board, and Jesse Jackson saw it and stole it from us…That [expelitive deleted].”
No word on how this is all related to Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, although we believe the connection is there somewhere.