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Posts Tagged ‘bankruptcy’

SOURCE Folds Five

January 23rd, 2004
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Once mighty The SOURCE Magazine is close to folding. Staff paychecks are bouncing like a muhfucka. Ad revenue as a whole has fallen significantly, & Phat Farm allegedly pulled all their advertisements from future print editions of the rag. The Gossiping Bitches are hard at work to deliver a blazing expose the likes of which […]

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Grand Royal Up for Bid

January 21st, 2004
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Auction website is currently offering the defunct recording label, Grand Royal & the remainder of its assets to the highest bidder. The former product of the Beastie Boys’ loins, Grand Royal filed for bankruptcy in 2003. Included in the sale are left over stock inventory of CDs, 7″ vinyl, promotional videos, t-shirts and more. […]

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