Posts Tagged ‘fat beats’
Fat Beats Closes Stores, Rendering Percee P Homeless
August 19th, 2010
Comments: 4
“I’m officially homeless now,” the CD-hustling rhymer noted. “I may as well go down to the shelter and try to grab a cot. I know they keepin’ they online distribution open, but how the fuck am I supposed to stand in front of a website? That shit’s non-cipher.”
Percee P and Busdriver Collide, Create “Bubble of Space-Time”
April 20th, 2005
Comments: 0
Los Angeles, California — This Gossiping Bitches reporter today witnessed an event that has likely altered space and time As We Know It. For the past decade or so, those visiting hip-hop record stores across the United States have become accustomed to hearing some variation of one of two phrases: “Got that Busdriver?” “You up […]