Posts Tagged ‘beatnuts’
GB1’s: “I Hate the Everything” Pt. 1
November 11th, 2004
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Talking out your ass is an American tradition. We live in a culture where not knowing what the hell you’re talking about is rewarded if you are able to maintain an obnoxiously authoritative tone about it. So the GBs got together and thought, "What if we got a bunch of desperate C-List celebrities together to comment and cap on various pop-culture topics?
Backroom Whispers
May 3rd, 2004
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We’ve no idea how closely you follow the lives of Eurotrash like Victoria “Posh” Beckham (ex-Spice Girl, wife of Real Madrid soccer ace David Beckham, and occasional Rocawear model). Not too closely, we’d imagine. So, how interested you’d be in what’s been going on between her and Dame Dash…